deKay's Lofi Gaming

Time Pilot (360)

Since Mr. Trousers has beaten my high score (by just 500 points – 245800 vs. my 245300), I had a go at reclaiming my crown. Not a hope in hell. After several goes, I only broke 100,000 once, getting something in the region of 115,000. Gah. My 1337 skillz are depleted.

Time Pilot (360)

Played this for quite a bit this evening. Managed to get another achievement, but still need to get to 2001 without losing a life, and to destroy 10 bombs in 1910. Both of which seem somewhat hard… I also played against Trousers online. He beat me. Three times. However, I still have the highest score on my friends list (and I’m 44th in the world at the moment), which is far more important. Obviously.

Time Pilot (360)

Time Pilot was on the Xbox Live Arcade downloads thingy today. I have played it a bit before (and actually have a copy of it on Konami Arcade Advanced for the GBA), but I don’t remember it being very good, nor me being very good at it. So I bought it anyway (400 points, about £3.40-ish), and it’s great. I think it’s the online leaderboards that make it – just like Pac-Man and Frogger and all the other arcade “classics”. …

Things I’ve been playing recently

Roundup time! Hyrule Warriors (Wii U) With over 80 hours racked up now, this became my most played Wii U title some time ago. No matter how repetitive it seems to be, even playing exactly the same mission over and over with the same character, it never gets boring. I have now at least started the Master Quest from the first set of DLC, albeit to just play about four missions to see what they were like. Since then, there’s …

Centipede and Millipede (360)

But mainly Centipede. There’s not a huge difference in one game to the other, with Millipede offering more baddie types, but the same basic game. I don’t really know why I bought this. I don’t really like shooters (as I keep saying, but then, look at Geometry Wars, Mutant Storm, Time Pilot, Galaga, et al…), but I have fond memories of an old Spectrum clone of Centipede called, predictably, Spectipede. And it was on XBLA at that magic I’ll Buy …

Gyruss (360) (Demo)

You know, I don’t think I’ve ever knowingly played Gyruss before. It’s basically Tempest crossed with Galaga, and although pretty good, it isn’t really me. Mind you, I was never all that fond of Galaga, or Time Pilot, and I bought both of those. Hmm.

Blaster Master Zero 3 (Switch): COMPLETED!

The end of the trilogy! Jason finds himself in jail and Eve, his support droid Metal Attacker co-pilot slash creepy love interest is now queen of the mutants and poses a threat to the safety of the universe or something. It sort of makes sense if you concentrate really hard on the in-game dialogue but actually it just means more jumpy-tank fun across two separate dimensions. It’s back to being mostly set in the one “world”, unlike the galaxy hopping …

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (Switch): COMPLETED!

As a massive fan of the original Hyrule Warriors (I own four copies and across them have put in over 900 hours of play), I was really excited to start on this and it was a rare situation where I pre-ordered a digital game such was my need to have it immediately. But, I was worried it might not live up to my hype. Did it? Well, when I realised that the real “meat” of the first game, that is …

Murder By Numbers (Switch): COMPLETED!

One of my favourite types of game is picross. There’s something relaxing about switching to autopilot and completing a load of puzzles. One of the best, quirky game series of all time is Phoenix Wright, with it’s gentle humour, amazing characters, and murders. Murder By Numbers is both these things. I talk about it a lot on episode 33 of the ugvm Podcast, but briefly, Murder By Numbers is very much like Phoenix Wright only each time you find a …

Into the Breach (Switch): COMPLETED!

I’m not sure following Mario + Rabbids with another, but totally different, turn based strategy game was necessarily the best way to get started with Into the Breach. For starters, moves are done in the opposite order (baddies first) and baddie attacks are “locked” in that they’ll still attack the same direction and number of spaces away even when moved during your turn. This is a core gameplay mechanic, and is pretty clever, as you can force them to fire …

We did another podcast

A while back, I posted that I’d been part of a podcast pilot for the ugvm newsgroup. Reception to it was actually quite positive, and so we did another one. And this week, we did another one. That’s two proper episodes and one pilot now. Already about six more episodes than I expected it to run for. Anyway, yeah, this is a plug for that. You can find them all over on the ugvm site, or just search for “ugvm” on …